Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law

Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law. Sweet Adrien decided that I am somewhat funny. So, to satisfy her, I started this blog. Whether you will laugh or find me interesting, I can't predict, but no matter what you get out of this blog, just remember...Adrien Made Me Do It!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Morning Madness

How is it that the two people you love most in the whole world have the ability to drive you mad on a regular basis? You love them. You would lay down your life for them. Need a kidney? I've got 2. Shirt off my back? Take it. Honestly, you would literally walk
to the ends of the Earth and back for them. Why then, do they take me to a place that I don't want to go?
When school started this year, I made myself a promise. I vowed to be prepared the evening before each school day so that I didn't project my stress onto the children. I aspire to be Donna Reed, but more often than not I pale in comparison to Rosanne. It's an absolute challenge to get everone out the door each morning. The children are somewhat self-sufficient. They brush their own teeth, dress themselves and can even prepare a minimal amount of breakfast items. What's the problem you ask? They are brother and sister.
They love and hate each other simultaneously with a passion that can only be described as religious. It's infuriating!! One minute they are fine, giving each other flash cards at the breakfast table---the next, they are calling each other names as physically fighting. AHHHHH!!!!
I try to hold onto my temper, but more often than not they get the worst of me and I end up making someone cry before school which then ends up setting the tone for the day. I know that this is part of being siblings and Lord knows I did my share of fighting with my brother, but I can't take it anymore!!! HELP!!!!

My Peeps

My Peeps


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