Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law

Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law. Sweet Adrien decided that I am somewhat funny. So, to satisfy her, I started this blog. Whether you will laugh or find me interesting, I can't predict, but no matter what you get out of this blog, just remember...Adrien Made Me Do It!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mind Boggler: Curse you Mo' Fo'

I'm not much of a curser, cusser, potty-mouth, what have you, but I don't mind to hear certain context, apparently. I was walking past the detention center today, :) on my way back from lunch when I overheard a phone conversation. From what I could gather, the person on the other end of the phone was delivering some news to the "disgruntled" man on my end. His voice kept getting louder and louder and the more he talked the more aggitated he became. So in a matter of, let's say 20 steps, I heard confusion, indignation, anger and then yes, profanity.

Now, when I heard him say that he would "be all up in a mother f@%#er's face", I literally cringed. Part of me was expecting this outburst because of the tone and escalation of the phone call, but when he actually did it, I was momentarily paralyzed from shock that he just said that basically in my ear because I was a mere 10 feet from him.

Anyway, after my initial shock I thought about the fact that I'm not offended when I hear such things on television, or read it in a book, or listen to it in a book on disc. Why then does it offend me in person? Ridiculous, right? The Hangover is my funny movie standard. My measuring stick, if you will, for funny. "How was the movie? Was it funny?" My response, "Funny, yeah. 'Hangover' funny, no. Not even close." This is because that since having seen "The Hangover", I haven't seen a funnier movie. Anyway, this movie is filled with the 'F' word. So much so that you become numb to it and don't even realize that they just said it again! So, why am I such a prude? Boggles the mind, don't it?


  1. I don't even mind hearing it in person, so much, but I hate hearing it in public. I have this thing about cussing around kids and the elderly; and whenever I hear someone in public say something offensive, I immediately start looking around to see who else heard it.

    So, yeah, I'm weird about it too.

  2. "It's a satchel...Indiana Jones has one"



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