Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law

Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law. Sweet Adrien decided that I am somewhat funny. So, to satisfy her, I started this blog. Whether you will laugh or find me interesting, I can't predict, but no matter what you get out of this blog, just remember...Adrien Made Me Do It!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Film Festival: Off the Beaten Box Office

I love movies. Funny ones, romantic ones, action packed-blow stuff up ones, but not scary ones. If I were to host a film festival, these would be on the marque:


You absolutely cannot go wrong with Ryan Gosling. I believe he is probably the best actor of our generation. No matter what role he plays, he is fantastic. The character of Lars is no exception. It is my fave Ryan Gosling flick and that's saying a lot because I LOVE the Notebook. He is beyond charming as the anti-social younger brother of a father-to-be and his young bride. When Lars comes home with a blow-up sex doll he believes to be real, hilarity ensues. The way his family and the community usher Lars through his psychotic episode is endearing and inspiring.


I listen to Bob & Sheri on the radio most mornings and I trust Lamar's judgement on movie reviews. He was reviewing the American version of Death at a Funeral and said that it was funny, but it paled in comparison to the original British version. After seeing both for myself, I have to agree whole-heartedly. I don't know if it's their accents or the subtlety with which they deliver lines, but I'm telling you now that I didn't see a funnier movie all summer. If I were Lamar, I would give it a 'six pack'!!


Ellen Paige
+ Michael Cera
+ Jason Bateman

= Cinematic Perfection

I would like to start a petition to get Ellen Paige a guest spot on Glee as Sue Sylvester's long lost child. She is so dry and witty. i just love her delivery, no, pun, intended. I just like the way this movie depicts a teenage pregnancy. It doesn't always have to be an "after school special" scenario. Life worked out alright for everyone in the end. It doesn't always, but it can.


Family road trip to get a very cute, very naive, very loved little girl to a pageant. Along the way, they experience a loss that would have any other family tucking their tails and running home. You fall in love with every member and you are inspired at the end to love people for who they are despite your differences. Though I thoroughly enjoy the character played by Steve Carrell, I actually liked the teenage son the most. He spends the majority of the movie hating everyone in his family and having little to no respect for his parents. He won't even bother himself with speaking to a single member of the family. However, by the end of the trip, he comes to realize that he is right where he belongs. Delightfully entertaining.


  1. Maybe you should start a film critic blog. Just Sayin.

  2. I've only seen 1 of the 4 movies. So I need details on this film festival you are now hosting!


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