Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law

Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law. Sweet Adrien decided that I am somewhat funny. So, to satisfy her, I started this blog. Whether you will laugh or find me interesting, I can't predict, but no matter what you get out of this blog, just remember...Adrien Made Me Do It!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Consuming Conspiracy

I was shopping at Walgreen's yesterday when I came across the school supplies. I had been in on Monday to snatch up the deals that I had found in my weekly flyer. What with the fortune that you have to spend on school supplies, every little penny counts. I don't mind going to a few different places to get what's on the list if it saves the fam some money. While my daughter perused the shelves of endless supplies, I took notice of the prices, storing this in my memory so that when I go to a different store, I will know which one had the better deal. Does anything in these pictures look odd to you?

These supplies come in ready marked bulk boxes like candy does. You might think that Walgreen's would be a little wiser than you average gas station, right? But clearly they are far from it. The gas station attendant knows to rip the price off the actual display box instead of doubling it on the shelf tag below it, confusing the consumer. So, the geniuses at Walgreen's have been lazy enough to put their items on display in the box they came in. Normally, this wouldn't be that big of a snaffu, but the display boxes have a different, more reasonable, price than what Walgreen's is actually asking. Notice that the composition notebooks are "suggested" to be $.49 and Walgreen's is doubling that suggestion to charge $.99 and the glue sticks should be $1.29 but Walgreen's thinks they are worth $1.99...Hello, can I speak to a manager?

Now, I am bringing this to your attention because I care and because I like it when a store that I frequent makes a total blunder. It makes me smile. Here is my advice: When you go shopping for school supplies this summer, remember to comparison shop and to check your sales ads for the best deal. Don't be stupid enough to pay $.99 for a notebook, when more than likely that same manufacturer is supplying another store and you can get it for closer to the "suggested" price.

P.S. If anyone who is affiliated with Walgreen's reads this...keep up the good work. LOL


  1. **Sigh** I just can't do the coupon thing. It's like my reusable grocery bags. I have them, love to use them and even think that they are a great idea...I can just never remember them and I NEVER plan ahead enough to take them with me.

    The coupon and ad thing have overwhelmed me. I feel defeated

  2. That was awesome! I love finding good deals. I saved over $12 on my grocery bill last Saturday using coupons. I've been on a coupon high all week!

  3. I am doing pretty well with school supplies so far. Thanks for the heads up about Walgreens. I will just go ahead and avoid their back to school section. I find this sort of thing to turn me off the whole store, actually.

    I am totally on the hunt for a plain, old fashioned black and white comp book, though. Wal-Mart was supposed to have them for a quarter. A QUARTER!! But, of course,they were all out.


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