Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law

Adrien is my sister...not by choice, but by law. Sweet Adrien decided that I am somewhat funny. So, to satisfy her, I started this blog. Whether you will laugh or find me interesting, I can't predict, but no matter what you get out of this blog, just remember...Adrien Made Me Do It!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Seeing Stars

So, I was on my morning trip to the bathroom today when I looked up to find our local movie star, Steve Zahn, gracing our office with his presence. It is so surreal to see him in the flesh mere inches from yourself, and you never get used to it, but the thrill is not quite as good as that first time...

About 5 or so years ago, I discovered that he would be joining our little community through my work. The deed for his multi-million dollar home came across my desk and while I was the only one in the office to know his name, I was able to get others on board by referencing his bigger movies like "Daddy Day Care" and "Sahara". I was stoked to know that he would be living here and I might just run into him somewhere. My dreams of becoming Paul Walker's first wife were coming into better focus. They were in a movie together called "Joy Ride" and I just knew that Paul would come a visitin' and we run into each other at Walmart. Still waiting. Still happily married. But, I just like to keep my options open, ya know.

Anyway, I told everyone at work that at some point, Mr. Zahn would be coming in to license his vehicles or record a document. We didn't put a whole lot of stock in that notion because being from Georgetown, we just assume that everyone in Hollywood has a personal assistant at their beckon call waiting to carry out such mundane tasks as registering a vehicle. I actually forgot all about such a possibility...until it happened!!

Amber was working on the front line (where you get your car tagged) and had been briefed months back on the celebrity sighting potential. The office was busy, as it was the end of the month and I was across the hall at my desk, working diligently. (LOL) Anyway, she calls me and says, "Come out here for a second. There is a customer out here that looks so familiar, but I don't know him. Maybe we went to school with him. Just come out and look." So, I do.

I nonchalantly made my way to the supply cabinet and stole a glance out of the corner of my eye. I stood there looking at him for probably 10 seconds trying to place him in my mind. I had nearly given up when it hit me...THAT'S STEVE ZAHN!!! OMG, THAT'S STEVE ZAHN!! My mind was screaming. I was not. I was frantically trying to get Amber's attention, but she was busy with a customer. I made my way around the row of desks, keeping one eye on STEVE ZAHN!!! and the other on Amber. Finally, she looked at me.

My eyes must have been the size of saucers considering the look on her face. "Who is it?" she mouthed. "Very funny," I said, thinking that she was trying to play a joke on me. She finished with her customer and followed me around to the door.

"No, seriously. Did he graduate with you?" At that point, I realized that she was as oblivious as I had been. "Well, we didn't go to school with him, but we DO know him," I said. I wasn't just gonna spell it out for her.

"Who is he?" she asks, her eyes widening. I am staring at her now, waiting for her to do the math. My eyebrows creeping up my forehead, willing her to make the connection. One thing that you may not know about Amber is that when she gets excited or worked up about something, ONLY dogs can hear her. She gets this high pitched squeaking thing going on and her speech speeds up to that of light. So, it is hard to understand her. Finally, she gets it. I think.

"That's him? Steven Zahn?" She squeals and then we both commence to laughing like we never have before. "I thought you were just trying to freak me out," I say. She assures me that she was as confused as I was. We are over in the corner in a fit of laughter stuck in our own private joke that no one will EVER get like we did. You just had to be there.

So, our office is shaped like a U. There are two exits. Most people go out the same door they came in. Superstition or habit, I don't know. We are huddled, out of sight, by the door that no one really uses, having our hysterical laughing fit when a one Mr. Steve Zahn rounds the corner. He is the only customer that used that door to exit all week long. I guarantee it. But there he is, shag hair, khaki shorts, rumpled t-shirt and flip-flops walking right toward us. We both stopped laughing so quickly that it was painful. I don't even remember what I did when he walked by, but I do know that he smiled and said hi in passing.

We stared out the door until it finally clicked quietly shut. Amber and I looked at each other and I have no idea what she said at that point because, uhm I don't walk on four legs, but just when I thought we couldn't laugh any harder, we did.

Neither of us has ever been a fanatic about Steve Zahn, but once a movie star smiles and nods at you in your ridiculously boring place of employment, you become fascinated with his work! It is sad, but true.

So, I have seen Mr. Zahn several times since then. He seems to come into the office a couple of times a year and once in a blue moon, I will see him somewhere else. Shortly after he moved here, we saw him at the Pavilion, our version of the YMCA. His children were taking swim lessons right next to mine. While it is still exciting to see him out and about, the thrill is kind of gone or at least short-lived. He puts his pants on just like you and me. He comes in and pays the taxes on his vehicles, just like I do.

Even though I say that the thrill is gone, the minute I seem him it makes me want to have a Steve Zahn film festival. He is so funny and over the top on screen and then he is very reserved and laid back in person. I will also say that he is not as short as he may seem and he is a good looking guy. Some here say he has a great butt. I digress. He seems like a really nice guy, but who knows b/c I've never actually spoken to him. I admire from afar.

So, stay on the look out for the local celebrity that you won't recognize until he is gone.


  1. A friend and I pulled into Cracker Barrel one day (never mind what year) and I immediately recognized Waylon Jennings' tour bus. While I was trying to explain who Waylon Jennings was to my clueless friend, the door opened and out stepped Waylon. He immediately stepped aside and held the door as we entered. I barely got out a "thank you." His wife, Jessi Colter was paying for their meal.

    I couldn't talk for the next 30 minutes.....My friend didn't see or pay attention to either one of them and still doesn't know who they are.....

  2. I once nearly collided with Jerry Springer at the airport. LOL! That was my closest random celebrity encounter :)

  3. I got nothin', but I have always loved Steve Zahn and I have this weird thing where I really hope that I see him, but I'm also afraid that I'll freak out and be obnoxious if I do. It's a conundrum.


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